Holistic Eco system

Holistic Eco system
At Adamah Eco center

the concept

The Vertigo Eco-Art Village Adamah Project is aimed at demonstrating a holistic ecosystem
that will have a zero ecological foot print. This is based upon our initial
experience and facility that has already positioned Vertigo as a center for learning
about our interaction with the environment. The Adamah Center will include the
Dance studio and Learning Center. It will be a living laboratory enabling people
to learn how we can use nature’s resources together with our human productions
to live in harmony with each other. By adopting a teaching by example approach
the center will afford more people to the opportunity to learn about and explore
available alternatives to sustainable living.
Creating the Adamah Center that goes beyond our startup phase in the converted
chicken coop requires a more integrated and sophisticated combination of the ecofriendly
components that support our human/daily living cycle. This new building
will rest in part upon the existing environmental infrastructure components in the
Eco-Art Village. Based upon our previous experience and new technologies the
Adamah Center will be a totally integrated eco-friendly training facility. It is our
aspiration not only to be an environmentally self-sustaining facility, but by bringing
together all the elements of an eco-system, we can become a source of regeneration
combining practice with research.

Establishing the Holistic Eco System at the Vertigo Eco-Art Village provides an
opportunity to apply a community-engaged, interdisciplinary and integrated
approach. A state-of-the-art field laboratory will enable environmental
researchers and educators from Israel and around the world to further explore,
connecting together the social and cultural with technological and scientific
fields of practice.
The holistic eco-system will integrate both the productive side and the
consumption side of our human activity. In the Adamah Center the primary source
of energy which is at the heart of all artist creation will come from the Sun. Water
will come from rain harvesting. Much of the food will be grown organically which
is based upon transforming the waste into sources of fertilizer and irrigation.
This holistic eco-system will be composed of two linked systems
Water and Sewage
• Rain water harvesting
• Wetlands sewage treatment and irrigation
• Grey water system
Energy and Compost
• Solar panels
• Bio gas
• Compost treatment

we appreciate your consideration
and look forward to our future collaboration.

Adi Sha’al, CEO Vertigo Association (NGO)
[email protected]
Yohanna Kremer, Director of Development
[email protected]

for more information