The Yearly Program and POB Ensemble

The Yearly Program and POB Ensemble

The Yearly Program creates an open and equal space for improvisation and contact improvisation, for self-inquiry and listening to dialogue with the other through a focus on existing abilities in each body.

Power Of Balance Ensemble – A social ensemble that invites participants with diverse physical abilities to a creative process that will be presented to different audiences.

An encounter of various bodies creates a rich construction and invites a re-examination of social conventions and perceptions concerning the dancing body.

Objectives of the Program:

  • Training in dance techniques and artistic content of contact improvisation, improvisation, creation, choreography and instructional methods.

  • Creating a space that has no judgment, that has acceptance and shared creative ability.
  • Familiarity with the mentoring model of an integrated team, one facilitator with a disability and one facilitator without a disability, who works collaboratively and in fact represents the social ideal that the project strives to achieve.
  • Raising awareness that dance is in the public domain.
  • Specialization in the field of integrated dance and expanding the audience of practitioners in the field.

The Program is aimed at movement and dance people, participants with different physical abilities, with and without disabilities, and teachers who are interested in developing in the field.

The Program and the Ensemble is led by Tali Wertheim and guest teachers and creators.

The Program and the Ensemble takes place in a spacious and accessible studio in the Vertigo Eco-Art Village, Kibbutz Netiv Halamed-He

Sundays 10:00-16:30 between the months of November 2024 – June 2025.

cost: 7500 NIS

For more information and registration you are welcome to contact us

[email protected]