“Getting lost in dancing with Leela” by Ori J. Lenkinski
International Summer Master Class
Growth & Development
Ephemeralist. By Susan Yung
Struggling to Understand
IMPRESSIONS: Vertigo Dance Company’s “One. One & One” at Baryshnikov Arts Center
Holy Ground, Dirty Dancing. By Tom Phillips
This Israeli Company Rehearses in An Eco Village—And Brings Its Vision of Sustainability to the U.S.
Grace and speed from Vertigo Dance Company at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, New York
Growth & Development
Vertigo at the BAC
Leela – world premiere
“Vertigo Dance Company takes New York City” by Haley Cohen
White Noise – International Exposure
International Master Class
Dacing without dizziness. Pamela Peled
Noa Wertheim, Vertigo Dance Company and Ecco Art Village at the 4th ConnectIL conferenc
Earthbound lightness. By Helmut Dworschak
Birth of the Phoenix: an extraordinary experience. Merav Youdilevich
Aus Anlass der Deutschlandpremiere von YAMA von Noa Wertheim / Vertigo Dance Company. Ansprache von Bernd Kauffmann